Settle Now Online Blog

Who Gets the Dog

Don't fight over us

If you are reading this and in relationship breakdown where you are fighting over the dog, you may have bigger problems than this.

First, almost all the court cases are about dogs, although people do sometimes fight over the cat. Maybe cat people are different.

Secondly, dogs are not children although we often think of them as family. The law does not set up a “best interests of the dog” test. Instead, dogs are property whether you agree with that description or not.

The real problem is that dispute over dogs that you cannot settle probably means there are many more serious issues.

If you are actually thinking about the best interests of your pet, do you think your dog can understand going back and forth between two houses? They simply do not know what is going on and are incapable of ever understanding.

Instead, dogs and other pets are really just something that one party wants to fight over. It is often a sign of serious conflict over many other issues.

As difficult as it might be, it might be in your own best interests to walk away if your spouse is absolutely determined to get the dog. They may want Fido so they can exert control over you, create uncertainty for you and certainly this will just compound the stress and anxiety of getting over a relationship.

If your spouse is making you fight over the dog, carefully consider whether it is worth the fight.

Do what’s best for Rover and Mittens – Mediate! don’t litigate.Contact or call 306-539-0254 for a free consultation about mediating your separation

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Brad was recognized by the Government of Saskatchewan as a Family Mediator, Family Arbitrator, and King’s Counsel (K.C.) as being “learned” in the law. Brad is also a Collaborative Lawyer and believes that the two of you can come to a solution effeciently with the right guidance.

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Brad Hunter, K.C.

Brad is dedicated to helping your family separate with dignity and recognizing what is best for both of you. For more than 40 years Brad has been practising family law helping families find solutions for one of the most difficult problems they can face – the end of a marriage. Brad believes that the two of you can come to a solution that best fits the needs of you and your family.

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