
About Settle Now Online

Our Vision

Improving access to Justice for separating couples by enabling them to talk and settle through best settlement practices coupled with collaborative technology.

Our Mission

To be the first choice for separating couples in Saskatchewan wanting to settle their family law matters and giving those couples the best chance of staying out of the legal system through interest based negotiation and innovative technology.

Our Values

People are good and want what’s best for themselves, their children and even their ex.

We respect that people know what is best for themselves.

What Makes Us Different


You and your spouse are in control every step of the way

You get the best assistance we can give and is available

You can move on with your lives with dignity and your heads held high

You know how much this will cost and we can keep that under control

We work through things quickly, efficiently, and effectively

Most couples settle in less than 3 months

99% of couples settled without going to trial

40+ years experience helping families and couples settle

Why Choose Settle Now Online?


Online & Effective

This is a different way to settle between couples.

Our approach is to focus on what’s important to you and your spouse. We help you collect all the information you need in order to make a fully informed decision. We help you understand what your alternatives are and what the legal background is. We help you create alternatives for both of you. We help you assess the choices the two of you have and help you get to an agreement to allow both to go forward post separation and post divorce.

We do this by:

  • using the best online settlement and collaborative tools available;
  • providing you with a confidential online space to work out an agreement;
  • allowing you to share information needed to understand what is happening in your divorce;
  • providing you with a detailed analysis of of your family’s financial situation and give you suggestions for settlement;
  • starting to work immediately to gather everything you need to settle;
  • using best practices in interest-based negotiation to help the two of you come to a settlement that works.

And we do this all online in a safe, confidential environment. When you settle, we will prepare a settlement contract together with instructions for lawyers to implement the agreement that you have come to. You fully participate in your own divorce and make your own decisions.

The toughest decision is to get started.

Minimum Conflict

By using a defined process getting you both to commit to supply all the information needed, to treat each other properly and by pointing you in the right direction much conflict never happens.

We focus on solutions and not a fight.

You both have the time to consider all of the information and ask questions you need to ask.

We are online 24/7, allowing you to work on your separation when it suits you.

By focusing on joint solutions most points that you can argue over seem to disappear. By following a process that is lean and efficient and providing you with coaching on how to negotiate how to communicate we can eliminate the disastrous conflict many people go through.

The toughest decision is to get started.

Solutions Focused

Contested separations and divorces can last for years and scar you emotionally and financially.

We focus on getting to a solution so you can both embark on your post-separation life as early and as successfully as possible.

You can make decisions about moving and getting a new house or buying the family home. You can share your assets and deal with your debts while focusing on your future financial welfare.

You can focus on parenting successfully and happily.

Using best negotiation practices you can make an informed and reasonable decision that allows you and your spouse to get to the best solution available to the two of you.

The toughest decision is to get started.

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