

Services Offered at Settle Now Online

Under Saskatchewan law, before you can proceed with a contested family law action in Regina or Prince Albert you must have completed a “Family Dispute Resolution” process*. This includes family mediation, family arbitration and collaborative law. Settle Now Online offers all of these services. *On an application to a judge family dispute resolution can be waived for limited reasons.

Family Mediation

is a process where a couple uses the services of a recognized family mediator to negotiate a settlement of any questions arising from a separation. A Family Mediator is trained to use their negotiation skills to help a couple come to a solution they both can live with.

Family Arbitration

is a process where a lawyer with a minimum of 10 years experience together with special training in family arbitration enters into written agreement with a couple to make binding decisions on specific issues or general issues that the couple agrees to. Decisions are enforceable as if they had been granted by a judge. Family arbitration procedure is generally quicker and simpler than court processes.

Mediation / Arbitration

in which a couple agrees that they will mediate their case and if they fail to settle all matters that mediator will then function as an arbitrator. This may move ideal when trying to settle parenting issues or variation of existing agreement or order.

Collaborative Law (Practice)

requires both spouses to hire their own specially trained collaborative lawyer who pledges not to go to court and allows the spouses to negotiate an agreement. Collaborative Practice also is designed to allow both financial professionals and mental health professionals work as a team to help your family deal with a separation with the resources necessary.

Did you know...

In Saskatchewan 99% of couples settled without a trial.

Be one of the smart ones.

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